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Valley Life Internships

Valley Life Church has a vision to reach beyond our valley to spread the gospel throughout Grand County, the High Country, and the ends of the earth. Jesus taught in Luke 10:2, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." As a church, we've been praying that God would raise up young men and women to heed this call. Maybe you're the answer to this prayer!


We have created a structure that makes it possible for young adults (18-25) to spend time in Fraser pointing others to Christ alongside our church. Valley Life is committed to training and equipping you to take the gospel whenever God may lead you in the future. 


Our desire is three-fold:

1.  Personal dynamic:

  • You will be challenged, strengthened, and stretched to grow personally and spiritually through mentorship by our staff and leaders. 

2.  Community dynamic:

  • You will spend time developing meaningful relationships with others through recreation and vocation.

3.  Church dynamic:

  • You will serve Valley Life Church church body within your area of spiritual gifting, passions, and abilities.

There are two options for serving in our internship program. We offer an 10-week summer program and a 9-month winter program (September-May). Within each of these options, you will be working a job in town for income, serving within the church, and learning to lead within your gifts and passions. There are living costs associated with each option. Most of our students cover their costs through fundraising and through a local job here in the county. We are often able to assist in the process of finding employment and will work with you to have housing pre-arranged prior to arrival. As part of our internship design, we offer special training and ministry tracks that include:

  • Student Ministry

  • Children's Ministry

  • Worship Ministry

  • Evangelism & Outreach

  • Church Planting


Are you ready to be challenged? Are you looking for an "out of the box" experience? Do you love the mountains? We'd love to talk more with you about the possibility of joining us as we point others to Christ in the Fraser Valley of Colorado. 

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch for more information about our internships and apply.

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100 Doc Susie Ave

Fraser, CO 80442​


PO Box 58

Fraser, CO 80442



© 2022 by Valley Life Church

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